Wednesday, 11 February 2015

DPS - without columns

This was my Double Page Spread before I had put the text into columns: 

Tuesday, 10 February 2015

Monday, 9 February 2015

Double Page Spread Q&A

She has been away from the studio for three years but  for the first time since 2012, she’s back and ready with her brand new album.

What is your favourite song from the album?
My favourite song from the album is definitely  Mindful—it represents  who I am as a person and it’s not your  average song, I guess that’s because I’m not your  average artist
What do you think of the music industry in general?
I think it needs change, it’s all becoming very cliché– why shouldn't I change the music industry?
What was your first musical inspiration?
My first musical inspirations were probably either The Verve or Nirvana; I loved the rock and indie genres from a young age.
What were your inspirations for your upcoming album?
My family have always been one of my biggest inspirations for my music but I have to say the main inspiration for this album in particular has been my travelling – whilst I’ve been away from the studio, I’ve had so many opportunities to see more of the world. This has really inspired to me to help myself as a person and my music.
Where have you most enjoyed travelling to whilst you’ve been away (from the studio)?
I think the place that was the most inspirational
to me would have to be either Spain or Mexico; I love places with life and character, I really think Britain could learn a lot from them.
What have you enjoyed doing since your last album, apart from travelling?
I've really enjoyed seeing my friends and family more, that’s probably the thing I dislike most about touring, not seeing them for weeks or sometimes even months at a time. I've also enjoyed getting to connect with fans more via social network and getting to meet some of them in person too.
Do you prefer playing in small or large venues?
Definitely smaller venues – it’s much more intimate. If someone has paid however much for a ticket, I just think they shouldn't be seventy metres away, in the back of an oversized arena. It’s a lot nicer for me too, it’s much better to perform to a smaller crowd – it makes them seem much more like people and less like an angry mob.
What kind of music do you listen to?
Mostly Indie/ Rock music, but I don’t get to listen to music as much as I’d like – probably because I’ve been busy writing my own. I guess sometimes it feels like I’m at work when I’m listening to music too, I’m usually just wondering how I could steal their ideas (laughs).
Where do you hope to be in five years?

In five years, I hope to still be touring - maybe outside of the UK if I can. I feel like myself most when I’m touring and sharing my music; if it was possible for me to tour outside the UK that would be great -  I’d love to tour around Europe and the USA. I guess it all depends on how the new album goes.

Tuesday, 3 February 2015