Monday, 26 January 2015

Front Cover Draft 2

This is my second draft of my Front Cover, I have made the following changes: 

The main image has been changed so the Elisha stands out more than the background
Made further changes to the artists make-up 
Removed some of the feature story boxes (so it doesn't appear to overcrowded)
Removed the box from around the main feature story title
Changed some of the feature story titles (as they were relatively vague) 
Changed the font/ size of some of the feature stories
Made changes to the Masthead

Conventions of a Double Page Spread

Conventions of a Double Page Spread

-Main Image
-Drop Cap
-Stand First
-Text (in columns)
-Headline/ Title
-Page numbers
-By line (who has written the article)

Do not:

-Put text over the centre fold

Thursday, 22 January 2015

Alternative Contents Page

This was an alternative version of my Contents Page but I decided it was less suitable as there was too much empty space on the right side and the text was smaller and appeared overcrowded.

Tuesday, 20 January 2015